Insulation is often associated with winter, and for good reason: it helps keep you warm. But insulation isn’t just good for keeping your heat in; it is also important for keeping heat out during the summer. If you have poor insulation, you could be spending a lot of extra money cooling your home that could be recouped by adding to or replacing your current insulation in St. Augustine. Insulation is your first line of defense against cool air loss, so if you suspect your home may not be properly insulated, call J&W Heating and Air + Plumbing for an appointment.

How Does Insulation Help Keep You Cool?

The main job of insulation is to stop heat transfer. One of the basic laws of thermodynamics is that warm air will always travel to cool air. So, if you are cooling your home, one of the challenges you have is keeping the warm outdoor air from infiltrating your cool indoor air. Insulation helps by blocking the outdoor heat from coming into your home through the walls, ceilings, and roof.

Different Kinds of Heat

There are 3 different kinds of heat transfer that insulation blocks: conduction, which is heat that moves through solids or liquids; convection, which moves through gases; and radiation, which is a thermal heat. The way insulation works in the summer is not by keeping the cool air in, but by keeping the 3 kinds of heat out. In winter, insulation works to keep the heat in. This is why it’s important to have good insulation in your home.

Benefits of Insulation

  • Slows the transfer of heat
  • Prevents moisture exchange
  • Increases energy efficiency
  • Increases comfort levels

Recommended Thickness

Florida insulation recommendations are between R30 to R60 when there is no insulation, and R25 to R38 if you are adding insulation.

Be Cooler and More Efficient With Insulation

When your home is poorly insulated, your comfort and energy efficiency may be suffering. If your insulation in St. Augustine, FL is inadequate, call the professionals who can help: J&W Heating and Air + Plumbing.

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