If you’ve spent much time researching your options to replace your furnace, you may be overwhelmed with the sheer number of options and features. Of course, it’s great to have so many choices, but where to begin?

Expert Jacksonville Furnace Replacement

When it’s all boiled down, you’ll essentially just want to consider a couple of things. First is the cost—both upfront and monthly—and second, is your overall heating needs. In cold climates like Florida, you’ll be best served by spending extra for a higher-efficiency, better-performing unit. The amount of time you’ll be using it during our harsh winters means that increased efficiency (and lower monthly bills) will outweigh the value of cutting upfront costs.

Also, the lower-efficiency units don’t distribute heat as well as the high-efficiency units, so they make for a less comfortable home. One measure you’ll see a lot when researching furnace replacement is AFUE, which stands for annual fuel utilization efficiency. AFUE is calculated by taking the amount of energy output by a furnace and dividing that number by the amount of energy that was needed to produce the energy output. So, a furnace with 90% AFUE outputs 90 BTUs with an input of 100 BTUs. The missing 10 BTUs are wasted energy.

What We Offer at J&W Heating and Air + Plumbing:

Contact us online or call (904) 764-0040 today to book an appointment.